The Only National Awards For Non-Medical / Non-Clinical NHS Staff & Volunteers
Award Category:
IT & Digital
Individual or Team Nomination?
Qualifying Qualities
In these challenging times, nominators were asked to show how the nominee had demonstrated the following qualities:
Exceptional work ethic - going above and beyond their job description, especially in the past 12 months.
Outstanding achievement/s in work or outside of the organisation where relevant.
Drive for innovation and proactive leadership in these challenging times.
High level of interpersonal skills, such as kindness, empathy, loyalty and thoughtfulness to staff and patients.
A resilience considering Covid to their role and to the health and wellbeing of their colleagues.
Nominators Answer
Nominee's story :
I My nomination is for Souleika, Head of Digital Change for Leeds and York. She has really gone above and beyond to make digital exciting for all staff. She is a registered mental health nurse and leads a team of digital clinicians and prioritises projects that improve patient safety.
Her team recently led a project that has meant antipsychotic medication can be prescribed and administered in the community using the electronic prescribing system. She has also supported other teams in making digital changes and improving patient care.
She innovates with frontline staff to optimise the electronic patient record to create Dashboards that solve real life problems such as ensuring patients are not lost to follow up.
Souleika has an exceptional work ethic and her passion for her role, her team and the trust shines through in everything she does. She exudes warmth and empathy putting those around her at ease, creating an atmosphere in which people can reach their full potential to learn and develop. Where others may see barriers, Souleika brings an infectious positivity, a firm believer that everything is a learning opportunity which is welcomed in such challenging times. Souleika goes above and beyond in her role seeking opportunities to push the status quo, asks the questions that provoke thought, and invites and promotes change and is passionate about accessibility for all.
Souleika is an innovative, ethical, loyal leader and is truely a hero of the digital change team and an asset to the LYPFT.
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To register your score, please click on the star rating that you wish to give this nomination out of a score of 10.