The Only National Awards For Non-Medical / Non-Clinical NHS Staff & Volunteers


Award Category:

Individual or Team Nomination?


Qualifying Qualities

In these challenging times, nominators were asked to show how the nominee had demonstrated the following qualities:

  • Exceptional work ethic - going above and beyond their job description, especially in the past 12 months.
  • Outstanding achievement/s in work or outside of the organisation where relevant.
  • Drive for innovation and proactive leadership in these challenging times.
  • High level of interpersonal skills, such as kindness, empathy, loyalty and thoughtfulness to staff and patients.
  • A resilience considering Covid to their role and to the health and wellbeing of their colleagues.

Nominators Answer

Nominee's story :

I would like to nominate Damien Boden, Head of Information for the category of Unsung Hero. Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust is a data rich organisation and the Trust’s internal Business Intelligence platform - TIG has become an essential component of core governance within our organisation. The high-quality data produced supports the delivery of effective and safe services whilst leading continuous improvements around patient care and safety. Our most recent CQC inspection praised TIG as an area of ‘Outstanding practice’. All staff including the executive board can access the same data, evidence, and intelligence at the same time in the same way enabling the Trust to be advanced in its ability to be data and evidence driven. TIG enables the Trust to use up-to-date, timely and reliable data to carry out effective risk stratification and clinical prioritisation to reduce health inequalities, increase capacity and reduce missed appointments. This had been used effectively to manage waiting lists in response to NHS England’s directive and underpinned the public health CORE20Plus5 priorities. In our recent HIMMs assessment and were recognised at the highest level of compliance for the data and dashboards we have available to us. Damien has been instrumental to the design, build and management of TIG, creating dashboards and bespoke reports in a format that allows staff to visually triangulate data. With the ability to ‘drill-down’ from Trust level to team or service specific thus providing a triangulation of workforce, finance, operational and quality metrics as well as organisational risks. Whilst providing transparency and demonstrating performance measures, narrative, description, targets, and trends providing validation and assurance. Damien works day to day with colleagues at every level, he has the ability to put them at ease if they are not used to dealing with data. He is always looking to improve ways of working, automating wherever possible and making reports accessible and user friendly. Damien’s presentation of data enables the demonstration of detailed analysis to underpin of the strategic vision, operational and performance requirements, and clinical delivery. He has the ability to interpret the ask and frequently exceeds expectations with his presentation and content. Ensuring it is easy to interpret and digest whilst assisting clinicians in the delivery of high quality patient care. Transformational changes are amongst the most difficult challenges faced by NHS organisation. Changes that improve services for our patients, whilst simultaneously offering value for money and remaining safe are not easy to deliver. No large transformational scheme can be delivered without the data to make the case and evidence change. Damien will take on any challenge and with his 'can-do' attitude, always goes the extra mile working above and beyond. He is always keen to champion data whenever possible and to provide a valuable perspective to drive innovation, improvement and tackle Health inequalities.
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