The Only National Awards For Non-Medical / Non-Clinical NHS Staff & Volunteers

2021 Shortlisted

27th August 2021

We have now posted our 2021 Shortlist and the UHA Team are positively over-whelmed at the many stories we have read regaling the passion and the dedication of the hundreds of individuals and teams nominated via the site since May. However, of all those nominated, the nominators behind our 32 shortlisted must be extra proud of a job truly well done!

We must of course thank our 2021 Judges, without whom a shortlist would not be made possible. This year, as in previous years, we picked our judging panel based on judges from varying backgrounds, experience, expertise, and pay-band. As is our ethos at the UHA: Everyone is of equal importance. This mindset not only covers the individuals and teams who we award at our ceremonies, but also the individuals who are integrally involved in the process from A-Z. 

Below are some stand-out examples of the high caliber of nominations that we received in 2021: these in particular made the 2021 Shortlist. We are confident that the texts showcase the innate qualities and attributes that run right through staff and volunteers at large across UK Trusts, CCG’s, GP’s and all NHS-based organisations. 

You are all Unsung Heroes in our eyes! 

To see the shortlist in full, please click here



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